
Howdy, pardner.

Thanks for stopping by. I suppose you’re interested in acquiring some land?

It just so happens that I have some to sell.

And . . . I guess I should make it clear right from the git-go that I’m NOT a broker or agent or any other sort of middleman. When you deal with me, you’re talking directly with the owner.

Where, you ask, might this land be?

My properties are south of Abilene–in the southern part of Taylor county, and the southeastern part of Nolan county. Between Abilene and San Angelo. . . in the vicinity of Blackwell, Bradshaw, Grassburr, Happy Valley, Lawn, Shep, and Wingate.

How big are the parcels, you ask?

The smallest are city lots. (In Bradshaw, and also in Lawn.)

I also have several tracts of rural land. The largest parcel is about 408 acres. In all, about a thousand acres. I could probably assemble around twice that if you have a really severe case of land buying fever.

That said, I’d consider dividing my larger parcels up. For instance, the two largest tracts have homes on them, but I’m it wouldn’t make economic sense to slice out just a few acres with a house. (If you want a house out in the country and can afford a half million, then let’s talk.)

For those wanting something smaller, I’ve got some "fun size" parcels. A couple of them are about three acres each.

And I have a thirty-acre tract with a new water well that fronts on US-277 and Taylor County Road 219.

In summary, I’ve got a fairly wide variety of options, and I’m reasonably flexible on how I can structure deals.

So . . . if you’re hunting for land between Abilene and San Angelo, I would warmly welcome the opportunity to learn about what you want. Perhaps there’s something I have that might make a good match. Just click here to schedule an appointment for a phone call.

Keep smiling,

R. L. Sneed
President (and everything else—it’s just me)
Happy Trails Land Company, LLC